Advantage Over podcast – Episode 5 – How the RFU are attracting more female referees

Clare Daniels, RFU Match Official joins the Rugby Referee podcast Advantage Over

The Advantage Over podcast is back! After a bit of a break – sorry, the season got in the way – we’re back with a round-up of the recent referee and referee-related news.

Up front, we talk about:

Source: LIS ClubAnd then, we’re joined (timestamp: 17 mins onwards) by Clare Daniels, Match Official Development Officer at the RFU/England Rugby (pic left), talking about her journey breaking glass ceilings as a female referee and match official.

We chat about an event last weekend which brought 60 active female referees from around England to talk about how the sport can attract a sustainable pipeline of future referees. We hear about what guest speaker, football referee Sian Massey-Ellis MBE brought to the event, and what initiatives like Keep Your Boots On can do for spreading the message to the rugby community.

Thanks Clare for joining us!

If you want to suggest any guests or topic areas for future Advantage Over podcasts, please drop us a line at