For the time being, this page contains information relevant to age grade rugby within England, under the RFU/England Rugby banner. Where content relates to non-RFU rugby, it will be indicated clearly.
Are you refereeing kids rugby in England? Anything from u9s to u16s?
We know you’re probably not a referee (well, you’d never admit to it!). We know you love rugby and are giving up your precious time to help your own kids, or your club’s kids, turn into the next generation of club and country players.
You’ve possibly done an old Level 1 Refereeing Children course, or the newer Kids Contact course. But you’ve never given refereeing a serious thought. You may not even know the rules and regulations for your age group! Or you’re the parent who had too much to say one day, and got volunteered to blow a whistle!
Or, you might actually be a referee, but now you’re helping out with your own kids age group sessions, as well as possibly refereeing one day for your local Society.
Either way, we’re pretty sure you wont have read RFU Regulation 15, Appendix 4-10!?! Well, I have, so you don’t have to!
Whatever your reason for being here – you’re very welcome. And THANK YOU for what you do!
Do you need some help with understanding what’s allowed and at what age?
Then you’re in the right place.
You can download the RugbyReferee.net guide to the 2024-25 RFU Age Grade laws below. There’s a master grid with all the age grade info on it, and an easy to understand version for each age group.
Are you a coach with a whistle? Maybe check out this podcast episode too
Info distilled from the England Rugby Regulation 15, Appendix 4-10 in August 2024.
Access the downloads here now!
Good luck with your coming season