It’s podcast time again, and today’s subject is the area that gives the podcast its name: Advantage!

Listen in to hear what the law actually says about advantage, and then some thoughts as to how best we approach it!
It’s an area of the game we try so hard at, yet still drives questions, angst and frustration around consistency. The context you hear about on the episode hopefully explains what it’s so hard to get right!
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Enjoyed your explanation of Advantage and thanks for your view on my comments re” absolution of yellow card” offences.
You seem to have sat on the fence here though ?? I tend to disagree re ignoring ”technical offences’ as less worthy of sanction..if, any advantage fails to be gained you return to the 1st offence..technical or otherwise..for consistency I think this should apply at all times. I hate this term.”good management” for me that sounds like an excuse for not applying the laws..the referee’s first duty??. Maybe I was a stricter ref. than these guys today ?? For background I am an ex International and refereed for over 30 years..not for any Society..we used London Society at my school and we won “Best Hosting School for Referees” on several occasions. Hope you are keeping sane,safe and healthy during all this chaos ??Kind regards John