Mui Thomas is our guest in this special edition of the Advantage Over podcast. We’re publishing it on 2019 International Women’s Day and we can think of no-one better who represents everything that is great about our inclusive sport.
Now 26, Mui was born with Harlequin Ichthyosis, a skin disorder which affects only a handful of people throughout the world. But, as she explains in our interview, she’s found a place she feels safe and secure – in the rugby refereeing community in Hong Kong.
Hear more about her health journey, and her rugby journey. Find out who her refereeing heroes (heroines?) are – and how she makes the most of every situation she find herself in.
It’s an inspiring interview with an inspiring referee.
“Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it can’t be done” – Mui Thomas
For more on Mui’s story, or to support the publishing of the book we discuss, do check out the website: https://www.thegirlbehindtheface.com/book.html
or their Facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/GirlBehindTheFace/
And as it’s International Women’s Day, do celebrate with the women in your life. Celebrate the female officials you know; those in your society; those in your Federation or Union; those in your country. Celebrate those who support you in your own refereeing journey – friends, families, loved ones, the supporters and administrators we all know working behind the scenes.
Share their stories with each other (and with us!) and bring about #BalanceforBetter.